Über uns
Kryhitka Lima ist eine ukrainische Marke, die sich auf elegante und stilvolle Basic-Kleidung spezialisiert hat. Wir sind bestrebt, Ihnen dabei zu helfen, eine ausgewogene Garderobe mit Akzenten zusammenzustellen, die zu jedem Anlass passt – sei es ein Arbeitstag, ein Spaziergang mit Ihrem Hund oder ein Abend im Restaurant. Unsere Kleidung verleiht Ihrem Look immer einen Hauch von Angemessenheit, unabhängig von den Umständen.
Wir glauben, dass das Geheimnis stilvoller Kleidung in der harmonischen Kombination grundlegender Elemente mit aktuellen Modetrends liegt. Daher wird jede unserer Kollektionen unter Berücksichtigung dieses Prinzips und einer sorgfältigen Analyse der neuesten Modetrends entwickelt.
Wir streben nach dem höchsten Qualitätsstandard und wählen für unsere Produkte nur die hochwertigsten Materialien aus. Unser Ziel ist es, dass Sie das Tragen von Kleidung von Kryhitka Lima angenehm und komfortabel gestalten können.
Unsere Marke hat unter ukrainischen Frauen an Popularität gewonnen und erobert erfolgreich die Herzen von Frauen auf der ganzen Welt.
"Every day is a holiday. Every outfit is a masterpiece"
Lily Cherkevych. Brand owner
Universal style
Our clothing is suitable for any situation and occasion
Finest materials and craftsmanship
Timeless clothes that never go out of style
Instilling confidence and enjoyment in every day
The CHÉLIE Story
Founded in 2018 in Kharkiv, Ukraine, CHÉLIE emerged to solve a simple challenge: finding the perfect women's coat. Unable to locate exactly what we wanted, we decided not only to design our ideal coat but also to help others discover theirs. What began as a small project quickly evolved into a dedicated team, bound by a shared passion for quality and style.
Our Origins
From the very start, our mission was clear: to create women's coats that seamlessly blend style and comfort. We set a guiding principle — using only the highest-quality materials. This commitment to craftsmanship resonated with our customers, becoming the cornerstone of our brand's growth.
Overcoming Obstacles
The outbreak of COVID-19 presented a major challenge. While we feared for our future, our top priority remained the safety of our team. Surprisingly, the pandemic brought new opportunities as more customers discovered us online, driven by the closure of physical retail stores. By the end of 2021, CHÉLIE had grown to 15 showrooms across Ukraine and earned the trust of tens of thousands of loyal customers.
Strength Through Adversity
In February 2022, the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces deeply impacted our brand’s story. Based just 40 kilometers from the Russian border, we experienced the terrifying reality of war. Our team scattered, with some members leaving, others staying, and many joining the defense of our country. We were reminded of how drastically life can change when, on the very day of the invasion, we had planned a photoshoot for our new spring collection.
Rebuilding and Expanding
The year that followed brought uncertainty. With our team spread across different countries, fulfilling orders became increasingly difficult. We faced the challenge of restarting operations in a war-torn environment, with much of our work done remotely. Despite the difficulties, our brave production team chose to remain in Kharkiv, continuing to work amid constant bombardments — a decision that fills us with pride.
Our Gratitude
When you purchase from CHÉLIE, you’re doing more than supporting a business; you're standing with a dedicated team working in extraordinary circumstances. We extend our deepest gratitude to every customer, as your loyalty sustains not only our brand but also the unwavering spirit of our resilient team.
Thank you for being part of our journey.
PI Cherkevych
Taxpayer number: 3479904231
Main office: Ukraine
Kharkiv, Avenue Nauki 46